Action Plans

RoboWarrior’s Team Strategy: Grow a Team Model
Action Plan Responsible Completion
1. Model activities and characteristics of a Chairman’s Award winning team Technical and Management Teams Annually
2. Compete in two offseason FRC competitions Team Lead Mentor Annually
3. Foster a welcoming environment for students of all backgrounds utilizing RoboWarrior’s Core Values Mentors and Student Group Continuous
4. Conduct a season wrap-up and planning activity to identify, prioritize and plan future team strategies, initiatives, and risk mitigation Mentors and Student Sub-team Leaders Annually, review by June 1
5. Document new team strategies, initiatives and risk mitigation in RoboWarriors Business Plan Business Sub-team Annually, review by Jan. 15
RoboWarrior’s Team Strategy: Continuously Improve by Building a Competitive Robot
Action Plan Responsible Completion
1. Implement methods to improve design and CAD (Computer Aided Design) processes Mechanical Design and Technical Student Leaders Jan. 15, 2018
2. Conduct fall workshops to incorporate hands-on learning Technical Mentors Annually, review by Dec. 15
3. Organizer work spaces to improve efficiency Team Management Captain Annually, review by Dec. 15
4. Improve purchasing and material management practices for commonly used materials Business Student Leader Annually
5. Monitor and improve the newly implemented Management Team Team Lead Mentor & Lead Management Mentor June 1, 2018
6. Mentor the a FRC team to develop independent robot build skills and monitor their progress Team Lead Mentor and Technical Mentors June 1, 2018
7. Identify an alternative build and meeting location in the event the current worskspace is unavailable Team Lead Mentor and Logistics & Outreach Student Leader Ongoing
8. Identify an alternative robot transportation option Team Lead Mentor Ongoing
RoboWarrior’s Team Strategy: Develop Strong Team Leadership
Action Plan Responsible Completion
1. Clarify and better communicate student leadership selection criteria and process Team Management Captain Dec.15, 2017
2. Improve Drive Team selection and training process Technical Mentor and Programming Student Leader Ongoing
3. Conduct a Leadership Boot Camp for all team members (students and mentors) Lead Technical and Management Mentors Annually in October
4. Continue to develop mentor and student leadership skills Team Lead Mentors and Student Group Ongoing
5. Continue mentor training to discuss roles, responsibilities, and how to interact with students Lead Technical and Management Mentors Annually in November
6. Risk Migration: Document job function of the RoboWarriors key mentor leaders with details necessary to carry out responsibilities Business Sub-Team Business Sub-Team
RoboWarrior’s Team Strategy: Develop Excellent Team Financing and Partner Relations
Action Plan Responsible Completion
1. RISK MITIGATION: Gain more sponsors every year Logistics & Outreach Student Leader End of the year
2. Improve planning and purchasing of special equipment, tools, computers and software Business Sub-Team End of the year
3. Contact sponsors to determine internship opportunities for RoboWarrior students Business Student Leader End of the year
4. Practice and improve team business, engineering, and robot presentation skills Team Management and Technical Captains and Mentors Feb. 15, 2018
5. Send a high quality electronic newsletter, to update all partners Scouting & Strategy Student Leader Annually
6. Develop a one-page team overview to market the team Business Student Leader March 15, 2018
7. Develop at least one new method to spread the FIRST message with sponsors, especially within Alemany Logistics and Outreach Student Leader Annually
RoboWarrior’s Team Strategy: Spread the Message of FIRST
Action Plan Responsible Completion
RoboWarrior’s Team Strategy: Spread the Message of FIRST Management Mentor and Logistics and Outreach Student Leader Annually
2. Conduct community service and outreach projects including: Granada Hills Holiday Parade, Best Friends Animal Society, MEND, Exceptional Halloween Dance, De La Salle Festival, and the formation of Bishop Alemany/Santa Rosa Robotics Team Lead Management Mentor Annually throughout year
3. Risk Mitigation: Start a “Meet the RoboWarriors” open house event for sponsors, school administration, community leaders, and parents Team Management Captain and Scouting & Strategy Student Leader Annually during build season
4. Risk Mitigation: Influence increased STEM curriculum in Alemany through mentor participation Lead Technical and Management Mentors Ongoing